"Aldri for gammel til å lære å danse"

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All pregnant women should exercise regularly in order to maintain and even emprove their general condition during pregnancy and helping to prepare the body for birth. It is not about achieving top performance, but preserving good general health and muscle tone and also develop a positive attitude and excellent posture. Calm and moderate physical activity should be the main part of expecting mothers' training program.

Felliews Dance Studio in Tromsø is perfect for pregnant women! Our Dance Aerobics program for expecting mothers, as a form of exercise for expecting mothers has the goal to provide safe training at all stages during pregnancy. It is to help future mothers to stay active to prevent or minimize aches, anxiety and lack of energy and promote comfort, mobility and endurance. Theprogram involves that the women move their bodies to music while maintaining theirmuscular tone at all times.

Dance aerobics include all the elements you find in any well structured dance program. One trains core muscles, precision, flexibility, flowing of movement, strength, breathing, balance, alignment of the spine, artistic expression and physical fitness.

Ballerina baby bun


  • In general training is good for the expecting mother's body. It helps to improve muscular fitness.
  • Helps to deal with the growing weight of their body.
  • Helps to deal with the different responses in the body due to hormonal changes.
  • Helps to increase the core strength and pelvic floor control.
  • Help to improve or maintain strength in arms and legs.
  • Rises stamina levels, so the expecting mother feels less tired.
  • Improves women's mood by reducing stress and anxiety, because exercise stimulates the production of endorphin.
  • Helps to keep blood preassure levels low, heart rate steady and healthy lungs. Pregnant women often notice that they feel out of breath more quickly than they used to. In fact, during pregnancy, women are breathing 20 to 25 percent more air because they need to get rid of the carbon dioxide levels in their blood - even the baby produces carbon dioxide, which is transfered to the mothers's blood -.
  • Helps with their ankles, legs, and lower back.
  • Helps to improve posture.
  • Helps with circulatory improvements for providing oxygen to the baby.



The most dramatic changes and development for a baby occur during this stage. Not only the implantation happens, but most organs take form at this stage.

Pregnant sorrounded by nature


  • It is important that the expecting mother shares her feelings with her doctor, friends and family, because Perinatal Depression may occur.
  • Fatigue is normal. In consequence, it is important to plan periods of activity and time to rest. One must stop before becomming overtired!
  • Headaches are common and usually due to hormonal changes.
  • One must drink lots of water to avoid dehydration due to the loss of liquids.
  • Light headedness may occur, so one should stand up slowly at all times - whether during exercise or any other activity.
  • Expecting mothers should maintain a healthy flow of fresh air during training or any other activity to reduce the shortness of breath, which in most cases could be normal.
  • Slight physical changes in the body of the expecting mother at this stage.


Telf: +47 9073 5943

E-post: felliewsdansestudio@live.com

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During this stage of pregnancy those symptoms that one may have experienced during the first trimester begin to improve. It is the most comfortable pregnant period compared with the first trimester.

The curve of happiness


  • Obvious physical changes in the body of the expecting mother occur at this stage.
  • Hips, pelvis, muscles and ligaments supporting the uterus stretch.
  • The extra weight of the belly put stress on the back.
  • The fetus moves and kicks.
  • The expecting mother may experience Braxton-Hicks (false contractions) as the pregnancy progresses.


This is the most wonderful stage for the expecting mother and her baby who prepares for birth. The time to meet her darling one is near!

baby shoes over a preganant belly


  • The expectant mother continues to have Braxton-Hicks contractions.
  • Fluid retention causes swollen feet, face and fingers.
  • The baby moves a lot more.
  • It is important to sleep well and relax the back muscles.
  • It is vital to maintain a positive attitude at all times, in order to avoid unnecesary tension.
  • More radical changes in the body of the expecting mother as she and the baby prepares for birth.
  • Regular activities or exercises must be performed gently.


  • Check with your Doctor before exercising and always follow your Doctor's advice.
  • Expectant mothers must not participate in any type of training if they are sleep-deprived or dizzy as it could be caused by oxygen-deprivation.
  • A pregnant woman should not attempt to exercise if she has a chronic health problem or any pregnancy complication.
  • A gravid woman must stop exercising when experiencing shortness of breath before exercise or during any physical activity.
  • An expecting mother must not workout when she feels strong fatigue.
  • Women who are pregnant should under no circumstance should attempt to start training when feeling chest pressure.
  • Expectant mothers must stop immediately when they feel smaller fetal movements.
  • A pregnant woman should avoid all types of exercises when she feels muscle weakness.
  • A gravid person shall not attempt to exercise with suden swell of ankles and legs.
  • Important: All expecting mothers will meet with the instructor before participating in this type of training. Please send us an SMS or e-mail to arrange an appointment. We want to start your training with extra care at all times.
  • Important: A group placement will be decided based on schedule availability, training experience and especific trimester of pregnancy.

Taking part in Dance Aerobics for pregnant women facilitates a social network while away from work, friends and family. Expecting women have the opportunity to exchange experiences, have fun, share ideas, get support and understanding at this wonderful moment of their lives!

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